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How Does This Work With My PWC?
We have a PWC Adapter Kit that will allow our hydroflight products to connect to all major Jet Skis® and personal watercraft.
Our innovative Quick Nozzle system allows you to swap between using a hydroflyer and using your ski in mere seconds.

Adapter Kits | Compatibility |
Sea Doo 4 Hole Adapter | Works with most models of Sea Doo. |
Sea Doo 3 Hole Adapter | Works with the 3 Hole system found on some Sea Doo 2010 models. Some late 2009 and early 2011 Sea Doo models fall into this category. |
Sea Doo Spark Adapter | Works only with the Sea Doo Spark models. |
Kawasaki 15F Adapter | Works with all Kawasaki STX-15F models. |
Kawasaki Ultra Adapter | Works with all Kawasaki Ultra Models. |
Yamaha Adapter | Works with all Yamaha models except, Yamaha EX models require some modification. |
Honda Adapter | Works with all Honda models. |