Visit our Rental Center located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Join us for the experience of a lifetime.
Join us for the experience of a lifetime.
So easy even a 9 year old can do it! Flyboard is the ultimate family experience!

The Ultimate Water Propelled JetPack Experience
Fly like Iron Man!
Within minutes, we will have you airborne and experiencing controlled flight! No experience in necessary! All training is included, so come visit us today and make your dream of flying come true! Nothing compares to this unique one of a kind experience!
Experience the unforgettable experience of the Flyboard and the all new Hoverboard in an amazingly easy, fun and safe place where you can experience flight, without wings! Swim like a dolphin or fly 50 ft high! Flyboard is the newest experience on the water, so make sure you come check it off your bucket list!.
What we offer Have a blast with the newest and hottest watersports
Flyboard Come try the Flyboard and learn how to fly like Iron Man!
Hoverboard by ZR Looking to try the new Hoverboard?
Jetpack by ZR Looking to try the new JetPack by ZR?
FlyRide Check out the newest invention by ZAPATA! The electronic gyroscopic Hydro Bike!
Private Hourly or Daily Rental Looking to Schedule a private rental for your friends and family, or corporate event? Contact us today!
Private Yacht Rental Looking to Schedule a private rental for your friends and family on your Yacht? Contact us today!